Yesterday Russell and I were rather busy. He was busy digging holes and I was busy filling them...
We finished putting in all the berry canes. I will make sure that they don't escape into the wild as some berries can. The boys are so wanting to pick them off the bush but at the moment they are just sticks. They will have to wait a couple of years before we get anything.
The orchard is rather bare at the moment as the calf has still been getting into the area. No amount of electric wiring is slowing him down or stopping him for that matter...
The wallabies are also happily munching on some canes that I put in the ground last weekend. I had to replant five plants that had been stripped of little leaves and had been ripped out of their planting hole. But thanks to a wonderful friend I am going to try an organic homemade spray that once they smell the cayenne pepper in it they will not bother them again... Here is hoping.
I also dug allot of holes in the backyard as well. Had the two dogs for company and they loved smelling the soil as I dug out the holes. We have some shrubs and trees growing in there now which will make it nice and a little shady in years to come.
We are getting there... I wish in a way that it was spring as I really want to get into the veggie garden but there is no use as we are still getting frost. Have not for the last couple of days but we are expecting more this weekend. So will have to be patient... Hard to do when there is so much we need to do...
Cheers Damaris
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