Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What was he thinking...

My precious boy...

This photo was taken at my Mum's Birthday Party... I really love this shot... There Tim is lying in the grass looking at something... Wonder what he is thinking? I often wonder that... He is so stressed at the moment with school that he has even had six warts come out on his legs. They are just little at the moment but I know that if he doesn't have down time soon they will get bigger. Warts are the last tell tale sign that he is getting beyond being able to cope...

This weekend he is on holidays then for two whole weeks. He can't wait... He is going to Blue Care for six nights which he has never done before. It was supposed to be for four only but someone cancelled so we were offered another two nights... He is going to have a fantastic time. On the agenda are going to the movies, a car rally, the gym and swimming, fishing, seeing the Toowoomba Carnival of flowers, picnics... you name it he is doing it. And I am glad... He needs to get away from focusing on school.

He needs a break so badly and I am glad that he will get it... Oh how I worry about him that he is coping OK on the inside... If only I could help more... Wanted him to go to Disability Action Week Dance on Friday night in Warwick but he won't be in it. Shame I would have loved to have gone with him but he is not interested being around more people that are disabled. I can understand when he is so easily frustrated by them at school... Am very thankful that the break is coming up. :)

Cheers Damaris

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