Friday, June 5, 2009

My big boy Timothy...

Timothy, having just joined the Lapidary Club, his obsession for many years...

My eldest boy's name is Timothy, and he is 12 years old. My little man is very loving and caring in his own little ways. When he was younger he was rather hyper all the time and always was into something. He climbed before he could walk. He was diagnosed with (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) ADHD when he was 5 years old but were given no support from his Doctor. I ended up seeing four Doctors to ensure that his diagnosis was correct. It was but there were other things that didn't add up...

When he started school he still was not really talking so ended up going to the Special Education Development Unit (SEDU) as well as Preschool. At the end of the year they tried to have him diagnosed for Speech delay but that didn't pan out either. He was getting better but very slowly.

In Grade 1 we had our breakthrough and finally after many incidences at home as well as school, he was diagnosed with Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) as well as Asperger's Syndrome (AS).

I remember clearly saying to his Doctor: "So does this mean that he doesn't have ADHD?" No it meant this stuff was on top of everything else. Thinking back now it is amazing how shocked and unable to function I was during that period of time. I read alot on the Internet as Google seems to have endless supplies of information on everything... All the questionnaires fit him perfectly. It was amazing, finally something that fit him. We could finally try and find ways to help him.

I joined a Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) parent group as well as meeting other parents through the Special Education Unit at school. Timothy was assessed and given an ASD Level 6. This is the highest number on the old scale. I meant some beautiful people through the SEDU as well as the SEU. Some I still am in contact with today...

One thing that was hard was him looking normal but not do things that were socially acceptable. He was shunned and rarely invited over to kids' places or to Birthday Parties. He was such a beautiful little boy that just wanted to play but couldn't work out how.

In Grade 4 and 5 we finally hit the jackpot when Timothy attended Autism Qld, a specialised school for ASD kids that ran for three days per week for two years. The other two days a week he would go to his normal school supported still by the SEU. This was the best money that I could have ever spent... They were fantastic. The course mainly focuses on social skill building. They saw the Physiotherapist, Speech Therapist and Occupational Therapist once a week. The class groups were 1 teacher, 1 teacher aide and 6 students.

Once he finished there instead of integrating back into his old school full time we ended up moving out here in the country and start fresh at a small country school with only about 25 kids at the time. This has grown to over 30 now and has two teachers. Timothy still has a teacher aide for 5 hrs per week and a Advisory Visiting Teacher (AVT-ASD) for two hours every two weeks. Not alot of support but the school is managing really well with him.

He has grown so much in the last year. It is amazing to see. It is even more amazing that he starts High School next year. He will be going to a High School that has a really great SEU. I am rather glad about that...

I am so proud of who he has become so far. His manners are really good and he is so gentle and thoughtful. At night when he thinks I am sleeping but he snuggles into bed between Russell and I and he says: "I love you, Mum", it just warms my heart. I am so proud to be his mum...

Cheers Damaris

1 comment:

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

I follow a blog blueberrycottage. blogspot. The author Suzanne is a lovely lady who has a daughter with asperger's syndrome. She often writes posts which are both encouraging and informative for parents who have children with autism spectrum disorders. She lives in the country and loves all those things associated with raising a family in the country. You may have already found her blog but if you haven't go and visit her blog, it is one of my favourites. By the way, I used to be an occupational therapist and I worked with adults with learning disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders and severe challenging behaviours.