Sunday, October 4, 2009

Duckies update...

Our seven ducklings
The three mums sunbaking without a care in the world...
The drake, looking through Daisy's nest...

Was asked yesterday to put some pictures of the latest batch of ducklings on Facebook and so I thought I would blog about the babies today as well. They are certainly growing up very quickly...

They will be six weeks old this week. Amazing how they are growing up. A few of the bigger ones are actually already losing their baby feathers. It looks like they are moulting but they are not off course. They are just growing their adult feathers.
They have been outside for a whole week now and have not suffered for it either. I was worried at first as we had a bit of wind here and it was rather cold couple of nights ago but the shelter has a good windbreak on the windy side so that helps them.

The ducks that would be their mums are not paying any attention to them whatsoever, which I find rather curious. The two geese are always near the cage and seem to talk to them. They don't try to nip them, not that they could as the gaps are not large enough for anything to get through, except a fly maybe :) The geese sleep near the cage as well. I don't know if that is because none of Daisy's eggs hatched maybe? They are not aggressive towards them at all though. Rather a mystery for me...

Has been funny to see them develop and all of the seven are gray looking but one. It has stripey feet even. The neck is white and I think it is a product of the gander that we ate recently. I hope it is a female that is all... Not intending on keeping ganders anymore. Just get one in for when I want the eggs and ducklings in spring and eat them other than that...

Yes, Daisy's eggs where taken off her. In the end as the left over drake still kept annoying her and getting her off her eggs she only ended up with two eggs. One was a dud and the other only had a 1/2 formed goose in it. That was after leaving her for six weeks on her eggs. She should have been done after four. Never mind. She will end up in the pot at this stage and we will replace her with another as Chucky is a producer of babies but she is not a producer of goslings. She will make a nice dinner.

Anyway am off to feed the little chicks that are still in my bathroom. Enjoy your Sunday!

Cheers Damaris

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