Sunday, March 28, 2010


This is half the lettuce. It was huge...

At High school Timothy has been growing his own veggies since the beginning of the the school year. He has to tend to it, water it, weed around it and make sure there are no bugs etc...

Well he brought home his first lettuce last week and that night we ate half of it straight away. Yummy. He loved it that he could help with providing for the meal and loved telling us how he had looked after it. He also brought home some spinach. That one he had to share with others as there was not enough to go around the class otherwise, something that he did rather reluctantly.

Like it was his baby he tended to its needs. :) He has now asked for a small patch at home that he can look after starting in spring. What a great idea for high school to do that. We have always had veggies and fruit growing but not until they did it in school has he taken soooo much more of an interest. He wants to give growing Watermelon another go as he loves them and then also wants to sell surplus. Here is hoping. :)

Cheers Damaris

1 comment:

Farming On Faith said...

What a wonderful learning project. We planted out first garden last year~we loved it. It was so much fun and I loved going to pick our groceries from our own yard~