Love my flowers...
When I was putting in plants the other day from Lisa, I also took the time to prune back some plants that needed it. The frost is now gone and I needed to cut back the dead bits well and truly...
I also ended up collecting a handful of flowers for inside. I love how it looks on our table. :)
So cheerful... I love it that we are getting more and more flowers each time. I like to have a bouquet inside every couple of weeks or so and have not run out of flowers yet. :)
Cheers Damaris
Hi Damaris, I just found your blog. What beautiful flowers. I look forward to visiting often. ;)
Love the flowers - reminded me of the little bunches you and Tina used to pick on our Sunday walks in Austria.
Welcome Deborah, I usually just write about what has been happening here from day to day. My online diary of sorts. Also a great way for friends and family to know what we are doing here...
Thank you for your lovely message. I love receiving them. :)
Yes I remember that too Mum :)Especially the yellow ones. Can't remember their name but remember that well... If only I could find them and plant some here. Similar conditions as well... Could happen one day. :)
Cheers Damaris
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