Joshua's right knee...

And wrist in plaster...

Old one coming off for up to date x-rays

New plaster going back on late yesterday afternoon...
So he goes to the Skate park two days in a row... First day no dramas at all. Had a great time. Second day we went just after I picked up Timothy so that they could both kill a couple of hours... Them at the park and me... well I wanted to check out the Lesley Park Easter Saturday Markets didn't I...
When I got back from checking out the markets here was a boy had been crying for a while and was in allot of pain. Joshua's knee had swollen quite a bit and his wrist was sore too. Luckily he had his helmet on as his head would have hurt as well... I love it that my boys never forget their helmets. One thing that they are never allowed to go without.
Anyway we went home, gave him some pain relief and all went to bed for the night. On Easter Sunday at 7am we were off to the Emergency Department at Warwick Hospital as his knee had gotten worse though his wrist still annoyed him it was not too bad.
Got there and had his leg put into a rigid splint and now he had crutches as well. We got paperwork for him to get his knee and wrist X-rayed as soon as the Hospital was open again after the holidays or before if they rang us. Well they did ring us and on the Monday we went up there again...
This time he also came home with a cast on his wrist as he had broken it... So now only one crutch, a rigid splint and a cast. Oh what fun... He stayed home on the Wednesday from school but ended up going on the Thursday and from then on as he was too eager to get back to school...
Yesterday we had a follow up appointment with the Fracture Clinic and it was reconfirmed that he would need a cast for another four weeks. The rigid splint and crutches have been returned but he is still wearing a pressure bandage as it is helping the last of the fluid around the kneecap to go down.
He is very proud of the fact that he is the first in Russell's side of the family to get a cast on... :) He has been such a good sport through all of this and has tried hard to keep his weight off his knee. Writing has been a little difficult but he is getting there... What he is most annoyed about is that he can't do Cross Country running in a couple of weeks that he had been practicing for for a long time... At least he will be in one piece again after all the healing is done...
Cheers Damaris
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