Monday, August 17, 2015

It's broken...

I didn't realise the whole solar flask was empty. I knew one of the boys had tipped some out by accident Saturday but thought they'd refilled it. Not so.

I took the lid off which was a bit smelly. Like burnt plastic? Should've thought more...

Went to the tap to add water to it so I could make a cuppa... The water going in was sizzling... And then BANG! It exploded in my hand. So glad I was outside. So glad I wasn't injured. Just a sore back from all the picking up of debri. So glad the chooks and dog stayed away. I was able to pick everything up, with Tim's fantastic help... 

I see that the newer model has a pressure release valve. Its base is square and it fit in allot more water... Yep, I'm getting a new one... Best way to spend my spending money... ;)


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