Thursday, August 13, 2015

Acts of Service...

It is my Love Language. It's what makes me tick. It's what fills my love tank. Anyone want to show me that they love me, Acts of Service wins each and every time...

Yesterday morning, upon arrival from having just finished my sleepover at work, Josh said to me he had a present for me. He said though that it was not a love letter... I couldn't wait to get inside to discover it... Russell had tidied up the kitchen just the way I would and Josh had polished the sink. Both the sinks were dry... I threw my hands up in the air for joy. Josh was gobsmacked! I told him that that one act would be a huge source of joy for me all day. 

This morning he wanted to up the anty and do three things... He made Russell and my bed, he refilled our dinner water bottle and he shined the sinks again... 

He loves to see my reaction. He can't get over how easy it is to show someone you love them just by doing something so small. No need for money, etc. Just a couple of minutes is all it takes... He leaves me clues and then leaves for school. I then go on my treasure hunt. I love it! I love it that he takes the time. I love it how thoughtful he is. I love the young man that he's growing into... I'm a proud mum...


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