Pool table covered with all the linen...

Cupboard after another decluttering session. :)

My easy to find stacks - sheets, pillow cases and quilts all together...

What I gave away :)
Yep, the linen closet needed more stuff gone out of it so there I was putting it all out on the pool table. Comes in very, very handy for jobs like this :)
I took everything out. All the linen, both for the boys rooms and ours. I took out all the washers, towels and blankets as well.
Gave allot away to my friend Fiona and her family. It was gratefully accepted and I was glad to be rid of it. :) It was hard to get it out of the house though. Especially my quilt covers and pillow cases sets... I loved those but just don't have a realistic need for them...
So now I have only about five towels left, four hand towels, hand washers (washlapfen from Austria :)) and four sets of Queen sheets/quilts (three for Russell and I and one spare for the Futon). For the boys I have two sets of sheets/quilts each. I do need another one set of single sheets though. I have changed it all to cotton as well. Was glad to get rid of the cotton/polyester as this was making them sweat badly during summer, especially Timothy.
I also only have four single blankets now and three queen size blankets. I also kept two sets of King quilt covers for winter time when we use our King quilt and not our Queen.
The feeling of achievement is amazing. It is a relief to go in there and know that it can all be found. :) And easily too. Showed Russell and explained where what was. All are in stacks now. Nice and easy to find... So now I can have an accident and be away for a month and know that they will be warm and have clean sheets. hehe
I did ask Russell if I could have a label maker so that I could label the shelves but he thought that was going to far apparently. lol
Cheers Damaris
You are my hero! That's exactly what I need to be doing right now!
Awwww, Thanks Jen. :) I love the look finally and am happy with the end result. Both my boys closets will be gone through in the Summer Vacation as well to ensure that they get rid of a heap of their clothes that others can benefit from as they just don't need that many clothes.
Hope you got your done :) Once I start I can't stop till it is done either. Bit OCD... but not too bad. That is what I tell myself anyway... I know Russell wouldn't agree. hehe
Cheers Damaris
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