Some wicked weather...

Amazing cloud formations...

Smaller pieces of hail (15mins after they fell)
Last Thursday we had one hairy day. It started about lunch time and the first storm came out of nowhere... It came at us from the back of the house, which is very unusual... The rain was horizontal and the rain even got the top of the windows... Have not had that before here...
Then we got an onslaught of hail... They came down in all sorts of sizes. It was terrifying for Timothy especially. Joshua did such a great job trying to calm him down. Needless to say all blinds were shut for the duration. That lasted a good 10 minutes. Now there are more dints in the roof of my car...
Then we got another storm with huge amounts of wind as well as very, very heavy rain. That lasted another hour or so...
And you would have thought, Enough already... But there was another one in store for us. This time it was all talk and no action but the lightening lasted till 3am all the same...
Russell had a nasty time getting home but made it in the end which was good. We did lose power but only for about a minute. Just as well as I had a Chicken Roast in the oven. What a day to chose to make a roast. Me, I did it for Russell as he was coming home and know how he loves to eat it... But at least the power cooperated... In Ipswich where we used to live they were not as lucky and some friends got power back only at midnight... Not that it would have bothered me if we had lost power... I have the generator at the house now and would have been easy enough to crank it up. Glad though that I didn't need to...
Saturday again showed us that rain was on the agenda again and we didn't get any reprieve. About 50mm was dumped on us and our already bursting tanks were crying under the pressure... Needless to say the boys loved having a long, long bath that day. :)
Cheers Damaris
I know what you mean, last Thursday was a bit of a doozy for us too. We had storms all morning and then it broke in the afternoon. Only to wreak hovok in the final hours of daylight again.
It was scary. We didn't lose power which was amazing, I have to say. With all those lightning strikes its a wonder we didn't.
Summer storm seasons are probably going to be more like this one. True monsoon type weather.
Glad you didn't lose power Chris, nothing worse. Though we are prepared now which is just as well. :)
That season is here that is for sure. Clouds are getting there again for another show down tomorrow I reckon...
Stay safe and have a wonderful Christmas. xo
Cheers Damaris
Wow MASSIVE hail
Wow MASSIVE hail
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