Our new Wreathe...

Decorations for the Fireplace...

More specials from Aldi I picked up last year. :)

Our Tree...

With lights on...
Usually on the 1st December each year our family puts up the Christmas Tree... That is as long as everyone is at home to ensure that we do it together. :)
That didn't work out that way this year as Russell was working and Joshua was on camp so we waited for the weekend...
So here is our tree and our decorations... We used to have a huge tree that was 2 metres tall... It took up the whole bay window in our lounge room where we lived at Springfield. Can't use that sort of size here so donated it and ended up with another one which we saved from being thrown out... The boys' Before and After School Care was closing down at their old school and they had one just the perfect size. All the bits were there so we grabbed it. One less thing to end up in the tip as far as they were concerned.
It fits perfectly into our little family :) It also takes allot less time to set up than the other one ever did. Do wish it was a bit more bushy and tree-like but it will do. If I really had my way I would be getting a real tree like we used to have in Austria. And real candles instead of the lights. With decorations made out of chocolate... Never going to happen here even in the current mild weather that we are having... Miss that...
Happy with our efforts all the same :) My wreathe is a huge one now... For the last 18 years, Russell and I had a smaller one that we hung on our front door every year. It had seen so many better days so last year we got rid of it. I was fortunate enough to be in Aldi after Christmas and love to pick up bargains for the next year. So one of their monsters that sells for $24.99 was on sale for $9.99. Can't argue with that. It now proudly dominates the front door. :)
Love this time of year. All our lights on the tree work too which is good. Had to cull some last year as we had lots but most didn't work... So now we have everything to size and fitting in really well. Every year I get one piece of decoration, usually for the tree... This year, I will be getting something for the top of the tree as the other one was too heavy for it. Plus we couldn't find it when we unpacked all our decorations this year... Wonder where it is... Must have tossed it last year...
Anyway, hope your tree it up as well and that you are getting into the festive season...
Cheers Damaris
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