Our darling Nova...
Joshua's darling Nova has been losing weight for some time now... She looks soooo thin... I changed her food from what we were on to Science Diet about two months ago and made sure to give her 1.5 times the serving she was supposed to have. Still no weight gain. I checked her over to ensure she was not in pain, no arthritis, Sentinel is given every month on the first day as usual... I just couldn't explain it.
Friday morning she didn't want to really get up to go to the toilet first thing in the morning. Alarm bells went off in my head and had her to the vet that afternoon... Greg our lovely vet did a full blood test on her as he was stumped as well... Well the tests showed nothing at all. Very frustrating... Greg is thinking that maybe she has liver disease or something wrong with her pancreas. Either way he has given her steroids and he has changed her diet to puppy food (even though she is nearly 11) as it has more protein in it. Hopefully this will help her put on weight. We also found out that she is starting to go blind in her other eye as well. Just at the bottom of the right eye but all the same is till happen... Joshua was very concerned off course but glad to be there for her when she was going through all of this...
Here is hoping we get to the bottom of what is going on with her weight loss... Though must say she loved having two rides in the car in two day. :)
Cheers Damaris
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