Beautiful bags made...

Soccer ball out of rags, newspaper and plastic string and bags...

wooden carved statues...

Duarte showing the kids some games...

Joshua practicing

A successful visit :)

A wonderful slide show was shown...

Information on the Eco Tourism done on the Island
Last Monday our school had the pleasure of visiting friend of one of our teachers. His name was Duarte and he comes from Atauro Island which is part of East Timor. He gave us an excellent overview of his island, their culture there and shared with us a long list of things that he had never seen before such as a microwave and a scooter. It was amazing to know that he would have to travel five hours on foot just from his village to work. Made our little walks seem very tame in comparison...
Duarte also shared some games from his childhood. They are a very poor people and don't have allot of money for toys at all so they make do making their own things with what they have on hand. Very ingenious and also at the same time game the children a really good insight into another countries way of playing... Very simple but lovely games. :) Was nice to see that life is not about the latest XBOX game or DS console...
I especially loved seeing what the villagers were able to make out of grass. The number of amazing weaving that were brought with him to show us examples. Just amazing... I wish him all the best for the future...
Cheers Damaris
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