Joshua trying his best...
Last week Timothy went to Blue Care for four nights from Wednesday lunch time... Once I dropped him off, Joshua said that he was rather hungry...
This was the perfect opportunity for him to take his mum out for lunch. He did it all... He opened the door for me, he pulled out my chair and he even ordered for me... He kept calling me 'Mam'. So cute.
This was the first time that he had been out to a restaurant. It was very special that we got to spend such a lovely one on one time together. :)
He tried the chop sticks for ages and so did I. He learnt how to hold them very quickly... Champion...
Then last Friday night, Russell and I took him out to Bestbrook Mountain Resort for a lovely dinner. We used the voucher that I had won at the Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea two months earlier :) and this ensured that our meals were much cheaper. We all had a lovely meal and our food was cooked to perfection. :)
The meals were not completely failsafe I must say but we ensured that the next couple of days we monitored him and he didn't seem to react too much. Bit down in the dumps was about it.
Was great to have the experience :)
Cheers Damaris