Sunday, February 28, 2010
Our new local little hero...
Two of our local girls have recently joined the Rural Fire Brigade... My good friend Lisa is one of them. More time spent with her hubby Russ. Loving the outfit Lisa. lol
This is one thing that I always wanted to do as well since seeing the shed when we first bought our land out here. I have a fear of fires and would love to combat that fear... Don't think I would fit into the overalls at the moment though. Must loose more weight first...
Cheers Damaris
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Brave little trouper...

Thursday was Joshua's big day. We left home at 5am and got to the Hospital in time for the 6:30am admission time. The nurses and staff were wonderful as always. This was Joshua's fifth time in surgery in his little life of nearly 11 years...
Surgery was supposed to take only 1/2 hour. Go in, do the recession of the turbinates and out again. Well once they got into his nose they found out that there was not a bit of space up in that nasal cavity. He was completely blocked up. They even took photos and I saw them. Poor baby...
So in the end he took two hours in surgery and trust me I was starting to wonder where my boy was. They had to carve, cut, gouge and burn bits up there... The procedures are called: Turbinoplasty and debrided nasal nucosa (the second means basically chopping things out) Lovely hey??? Not...
There is a whole heap of wadding up there that will break up over the next week. We have to flush out the nose four times a day which he doesn't like as he doesn't like the taste. Better than saline though as that would hurt his raw nose. Amazingly there has been no bruising as well which he thinks is great as he thought he might end up with black eyes.
Last night was his first night at home. We stayed one night at the Hospital and we were both glad to get out of there. So noisy... but again the staff were wonderful. They also kept saying what a pleasure he had been and how lovely his manners were. He was a trouper, I agree.
He had a great night sleep last night he said this morning which I am so glad about. He hardly snored which was wonderful. I still woke a bit as usual and will need time to readjust but was glad to be back in my own bed again.
This is his last bite at the cherry so to speak. His last operation. The one that they did this time is one that they only usually do for adults and is also the reason why the head surgeon took on his case. He has operated on his each time from 2.5yrs of age. I hope and pray that this will help solve his problems with breathing... Poor darling has two weeks of home time to endure now and is not happy to be missing out on school but at least his teacher is sending home worksheets for him. :)
Cheers Damaris
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Our little Library...
The boys and I love going to the Library. It comes out to the local Park every two weeks. The Mobile Library is very convenient. If you want to get some particular books, all you do is put in an order. They will send you a notification when it is ready to be picked up. You can chose to have it come out with the Mobile Library, which is what I do every time. Amelda is the most lovely Librarian and we love to visit her even if we don't end up getting out any books. :)
Our own Library at home is also quite a collection of books from both Russell's and my childhoods as well as books that we have gotten the boys over the years or what they have gotten from others. They love their books. Joshua even has a reading corner set up with bean bags now. The Library is actually located in his room as he does most of the reading out of it. Russell and I have always read to them. These days we feign being tired and ask them to read to us... This way they get to practice it more for themselves. :) Works well. hehe
Timothy keeps his own stash in his own room but never hesitates when wanting to read. They both love books and I am glad. I love them too. So does Russell. :) I love the information that they pull out of them and love it when they recall information for later. Last year Timothy went through the whole school Library getting information and then later bombarding me with the information. I loved it. Books are full of amazing information and facts and that is something that I am very happy with. The more we learn every day the better. I don't want to stop learning, ever.
Cheers Damaris
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Restoration time...
Our local School of Arts Hall has a very large old table in it that is used for just about everything... It had lino on it that was buckling and lifting. Not good if you wanna put down a cuppa. The lino must be about 40 years old at least...
So us clever Craft ladies have decided to strip it and make it properly usable once again. :)
Last Tuesday we started stripping the old lino off it. The green layer came away easily enough but the brown did not. It had paper stuck to the bottom of it and many little tack nails that we had to get rid of. Especially from the corners.
I have bought a second tin of paint stripper which does wonders on the lino glue that has been left behind. It will be a wonderful finished product I reckon. Can't wait to get there again this Tuesday and continue. :)
Cheers Damaris
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
What is that noise???

Just for background, I live on a dirt road, only about 120 metres long and our driveway is also about 100 metres long...
I was driving around last week and was horrified every time I put my breaks on or drove really slowly that I could hear this horrible noise on the right side of the front of my car. Now this car is only a year old. It has not even done 25000km so what is going on...
I went to town last week and the noise was getting worse so decided, only after my pedicure off course, lol, that I need to see the Black Toyota mechanical experts. Took the car there and told them of the horrible noise. The manager took it all under control and got someone to look at it straight away... I waited for about 1/2 hour and then he brought me out a little pebble... A pebble. It had gotten stuck in the break pad. Must have picked it up from the road or driveway. They say that it probably won't happen again but I don't know... I could have sworn that there was metal scraping upon metal but no just a little pebble...
I am ever so grateful for the wonderful help that I got. It was done straight away and cost me nothing... All this in a country town. Wouldn't see that happening in Brissie I reckon... Shame but am just so grateful that the noise is gone.
Cheers Damaris
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Shining my sink...

A few months ago I joined a group online called 'Flylady' and 'The Organizer Lady'. These two sites have helped me immensely. From Flylady I got the organising journal that I have put in a folder and with that I have everything and every routine written down. If something happens to me, the house will still be cleaned and so forth. For me it was not a 'just in case something happens to me'. More of a lesson for me putting pencil to paper and committing to a new way of doing things. It has worked. I don't need her daily emails anymore and frankly after a daily dose of 'come and buy my stuff' have had enough.
The Organizer Lady I have kept around as she focuses on new things every day. She makes me think. She encourages me when I don't want to 'shine my sink'. For months I have been reading about doing that simple act and couldn't be bothered. Why have the sink completely dry and without any dishes if you are just gonna mess it up again anyway??? Well I did do it early last week and what a transformation it has made in me. I can't believe it. I didn't just want to have my sink neat and tidy but then the benches as well. The the drawers, cupboards, stove top etc, etc, etc.
Now my kitchen only has the oven left to be cleaned and under the sink and my baking dishes and I have redone my whole kitchen. And let me tell you it is big enough... I did eight draws and cupboards the other day in just two short hours. I was on fire... It was amazing and I loved it. The end result of those are already on here in a previous post but wanted to take the time to encourage you to try it as well. I must admit that I have always enjoyed cleaning and tidying up but lately it has been hard to feel motivated. This has done the trick and the rest of the house is in trouble... hehe
Others have since asked whether I can come and do theirs as well for them... Not really the point in learning to do it yourself. Not that I mind helping out. I don't at all and have done it many times before. The boys and Russell are also more careful now to wash up dishes now and put things away straight away. Timothy has a long way to go but the other two are sooo on board. They can see the difference it has made in me and how much happier and relaxed I am knowing that all is tidy. Knowing that if someone did drop in, I would not panic...It is amazing the sense of achievement that I feel when I go to leave my kitchen at night, knowing that nothing is left out, all it tidy and put away in its place. Leaves me very peaceful...
The two websites say to do things at 10 or 15 minutes at a time and that was great to do for a start but the bug of getting it done soon caught and I am on a roll. Joshua is about to have an operation on his nose, which means that we are restricted to staying home all day for a whole two weeks. I was dreading this at first. He is such an active little man but now am really looking forward to it as I have to stay home. I have no choice. So the house will get what it deserves. A huge declutter and rearranging. Timothy's room is a work in progress and should be completed tomorrow. There is my painting table and area to do, the woodpile needs decluttering. Doesn't even need to be inside at this time of year. It is way too hot for a fire... Then there is my walk-in-robe... My three linen cupboards can do with a straightening up and my mending pile needs to be done once and for all. It has been hanging around for way too long... So there you have my 'To do' list. I am accountable now and will update you on how I go. :) I can't wait... Let the challenge commence. :)
Cheers Damaris
Friday, February 12, 2010
Reaching 100.0KwH and counting...
Two days ago we reached it... Woohoo 100KwH from our solar electricity panels. I am very happy, I must say. :)
I watched it click over from 99.9 to the magic 100.0. Was fantastic to watch. Joshua was there with me to celebrate. Happened on Wednesday, our Low Electricity Day. That day we also used... wait for it... -.07KwH. Yep in the minus. Love it, love it, love it.
This stuff really excites me and it is wonderful to see Russell and the boys loving it too. I love bragging about it to locals. Even the Librarian from our Mobile Library is excited about it. I am investigating her options for her at the moment till next time I see her. She wants to know all the ins and outs so that she can also get it done. Now a friend within this community also wants it done. So am investigating for both of them. :)
Can't get better than this. Well I could if I get my meter soon. Then I won't just get back what I put in I will be paid for it more than twice as much. Cool hey?
Cheers Damaris
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Entertaining themselves...
Been a busy little Bee...
No more overloaded dish draw.
Today I hid away from the world started out cleaning Timothy's room. He is at Bluecare for the next couple of days and I thought that I would take this opportunity to clear out all his stuff. I am sure he will love the end result. That will hopefully be by end of Monday... I love it all nice, neat and orderly. He likes to take things out, put them down and then you can't touch them again. So they stay there and get very dusty. I realise that it is apart of his Asperger's as many children that I know like him do the same... It is his security thing but drives me mental... But I started sneezing after only getting all the clothes off the floor and bed. So that was the end of that...
So I started on my kitchen and look at what I did... I kept going from one cupboard to another, one draw after another. It was fantastic. Everything is in order. And boy did I declutter. I had collected containers for years and never used them. Out they went in the recylcing. I had lids for whatever reason I have no idea, out they went as well. I got rid of plastic cutlery and paper plates that I will never use and will give them to a family I know is in need of them at the moment as they wait for their house to be completed. A heap of utensils will go to the Maryvale School of Arts Hall as I have no need for them and they are always welcome there. Anyone that knows me, knows I love to collect cups, big ones especially... Well I have downsized and am loving it. I love the space I have left on the shelf. Less really is More... I just need to do my baking dishes, under the sink and one shelf of recipes and then I am completely done. Woohoo... Didn't set out to do that today but am very happy all the same... Enjoy the tour around my kitchen. :)
Cheers Damaris
Asperger's Syndrome,
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Oh No, I have a Teenager in the house...
Sunday was Timothy's 13th Birthday... I can't believe it. He has actually reached teenage hood. Where did the years go? Where are they going? As I get older they seem to go faster and faster.
He knows that a Bow and Arrows are coming as part of his presents and he also got some other goodies as well. He was really happy about our choices. :)
One Aunt and Uncle and Grandma sent money which always goes down well and cards were received from my Dad and Stepmum as well. He loved getting the mail. lol
At the end of the day though he was sad and had a couple of tears in his eyes and asked why his special day was over already. It took sooooo long to get there in the first place and then it is over so quickly. Gave him a big cuddle and told him that it is like that with everyone. Funny how he has only just realised it...
We are very proud of him and know that this next year holds many challenges and changes. He will come through them a winner I know that. He has the Lord on his side and he has been blessed in so many ways before that it is not about to stop now. :)
Cheers Damaris
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Bows and Arrows Galore...
One of the incentives to move out here for the boys was to get them both some archery gear. They did need to do some more growing up and maturing... It has been over two years that we have been here so it was time to try out some bows and arrows...
Russell is really good at investigating these things and has been for a few weeks now. He got in touch with people online that we have since met up with to ensure that we get the right gear for them. No use getting something and then having to change soon afterwards.
Anyway, yesterday we went to Toowoomba and met everyone there at the Archery Club. Russell and the boys had a lesson that went for two hours instead of one. Very informative as well as much attention paid to the boys to ensure that they were holding the bow right.
Timothy did get a little upset as he couldn't get the bull's eye each time, he only got two. But was still very encouraging when Russell or Joshua did well. They all used the one target. It was amazing to watch. My little boys... No they aren't really. They are 10 and Timothy is 13 today...
These are their Birthday presents this year and have been saved up for a long time. So we off course want to ensure that they are right for them. The boys both favour the compound bows but are yet to try them. Yesterday they used recurve bows. Russell and I have talked about which ones to get and agreed that everyone needs to try all sorts before deciding. This is not a decision to be made lightly.
Russell and Timothy are right handed and have right dominant eyes so were easy to fit for a bow. Joshua on the other hand he is right handed but has a left dominant eye. Had to be different. :) He still seemed to do OK yesterday though...
I was watching from the sidelines. Some of the people there did try to get me to have a go as well but this is something that the boys do together. To grow together as brothers as well as nurture an excellent father/sons relationship. I am happy for them that they have found something that they all enjoy and love. I hope it grows on them. :) There are many competitions out there to be won. hehe
Cheers Damaris
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Knitting and eating...
For a while now I have been wanting to go back to Craft Group at the local Community Hall on a Tuesday. I had run into one of the ladies in Warwick just before Australia Day and she had encouraged me to come again as well...
That made up my mind and the next time they met at the Hall, I was there as well. And I am so glad that I did it. I was welcomed with open arms and felt right at home. Currently we are all doing our own thing and so I have been making more dishcloths. They are becoming popular and am getting requests for them. They are very easy to make so don't mind at all. I also love working with cotton, corn, soy... whatever the material as long as it is natural. That way when one is done with the cloth you can just put it in the compost heap and it will break down. Recycle and reuse. Loving it.
Was also quirky to get the looks of the other ladies that had not seen me knit or crochet before. I don't do them the Aussie way, I just can't. I do it how my grandmother and mother and teachers at school taught me in Austria so a little different. I cast on and off differently as well. I was asked to go slow so the process could be watched a few times. Was lovely. :)
Off course there is always lovely morning teas to share as well. I made blueberry muffins that morning and brought some of my cherry tomato that I had picked off the bushes the day before. Love to share and I think they went over well. Shame I could only stay till 11am last time as had an ASD Support Group meeting to get to in Warwick but will be there again next week... Can't wait.
I am really glad that I have decided to go back also because this lovely group of ladies are a genuine part of our little community and I want to learn from them and be apart of that group. I look forward to Jumpers and Jazz this year as well. Wait till you see what we have planned.
On that note must get Google going on getting some patterns...
Cheers Damaris
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Celebrating 75 Years of Life...
Russell's Mum celebrated her 75th Birthday last Wednesday. Amazing isn't it. To have lived that long. To have seen so much. To have lived so much and so well...
I must say that I love my Mother-in-law very dearly. Many people can't say that about their in-laws but I have always had a wonderful relationship with Russell's Mum and Dad. His Dad passed on when Timothy was 1yr and 1wk old so never got to meet Joshua. That I do get sad about as he is turning into such a lovely young boy, just as his bigger brother Timothy is.
I am glad that Russell's Mum loves to spend time with the boys and that they get many chances to get to know her more. They love to have her in their lives and that I am thankful for. They are all over her when she comes and stays and she loves it as much as they do, I am sure of that.
75 Years. I am glad to have been able to celebrate it with Russell... I am glad that the family got together and celebrated something so important. We had lunch at her local Pub restaurant. It was a beautiful meal with a whole lot of beautiful people. I am so glad that we did it. I just wish that Russell's nephew and his family had of been there as well... Hopefully next time. Was lovely to catch up with Steve and Carrie as well since we had not had the opportunity to see them since their wedding...
I must say that I have always been very family orientated. Be it my blood family or in-laws. And this gathering I loved very much. Didn't want to leave but had to in the end. The facilities were excellent as well. Children were very well catered for.
Again, Happy Birthday Mum...
Cheers Damaris
Such a shame...

Since late last week we have had ongoing showers here. During the night and during the day. Night time seems to be when they are heavier. Left overs from the Cyclone up north apparently. We are loving the wet all the same.
The only problem is when my two house tanks are full, they start to overflow and the water just runs away. I have been trying to wash as much as I can and have another two loads to go but then am all out... We even flush after each visit to the toilets at the moment. Normally we have that rural rule: If it is yellow let it mellow, if it is brown then please flush it down...
The garden is loving this and so are the ducks. They come out of their enclosure of a morning and just go to the nearest puddle and then just go from one to the next just about all day. Love watching that. :)
So am thinking seriously about another tank. That way the overflow would go into the third tank and when the other two are low I can flick the tank and have the water flow back into them. That way I avoid having to get another pump and plumbing in the tank. I don't want to upset the applecart so to speak. All is working just fine at the moment...
Will get some prices this week I think...
Cheers Damaris
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