Beautiful beach views...

Pirate Park for the boys...

Lots of trees to climb. :)

My view while eating...

These yummy prawns...

My Dad, Mum and Step Mum...

Cricket was also played...

Some of my family...

Lis in the foreground :)
Last weekend my little sister was down from Boigu Island for a wedding. Was off course the perfect chance to catch up with family. :)
Her hubby Phil and her have just rented a place at Caboolture so as it was a way for us to go we ended up making the most of the day...
Before going to Lis and Phil's place we went to Scarborough for a spot of home made lunch as well as a good long play at the pirate kids park and the beach that was about 30 metres away from the park. I also got a chance to go to Morgan's and get myself some prawns... I know not failsafe but when you are 2 kilometres from Morgan's you don't argue... I knew I would pay for it during the week but ended up not being too bad actually. I reacted allot worse to the Hot Dog and Coke I had had earlier that week... Won't be doing that one again...
It had been since Christmas last year that we had seen Phil and Lis and though I talk to her every Monday night, it was lovely to see her and to hug her lots... My Dad and Step mum, Mum and Step dad, older brother and this three boys, Brother in law and niece and us all got together and had a great time.
The kids discovered a close-by park which will be used I am sure at Christmas time as we are going to celebrate it there this year :)
All in all it was a fantastic day. So glad to have seen Lis, so sad to have had to say Good-bye again. But not for long as in December she comes back for good. :) Yay, gotta be happy about that.
My family is very, very important to me and I make sure I keep in regular contact with all of them. Now very much looking forward to Christmas... Such a wonderful time of year. After Christmas, us kids (that is what I call my brothers and sisters... long story) are going camping in the first week of January... Can't wait for that either. :)
Cheers Damaris