Some of the kids counting their loot...

Fiona, Phoebee and James selling Dinner Tickets...

Sunday Morning... Very chilly indeed...

Carly, P&C President running the show :)

Our lovely Principal, Mr Polis...

Emma and Joshua in their get up. :)
Maryvale was taken over a couple of weeks ago... There were a couple of hundred endurance riders down at our Cricket Oval as well as vets and support staff... It was amazing to watch them in action.
Our School's P&C had the honour of feeding them and we did a great job even if I do say so myself... Was allot of work from the Saturday we started at 10am and went till about 9pm at night. Back again the next morning at 5am and didn't leave until about 3:30pm that afternoon...
Was well worth it though as I know we are able to help our kids more with funds raised... Was great to work along side a bunch of very fine people...
At one point Joshua and a couple of the other kids dressed up with the dress up clothes from school... Joshua and Emma ended up doing the rounds down where the riders where and having them in giggles. Joshua said it was allot of fun pretending he was a girl with boobies. :) lol
Cheers Damaris