View at Montville from the Cafe :)

Lovely coffee and shared gluten free Blueberry Cheesecake :)

Seafood platter for two anyone?

Uncle Phil and Aunty Lis watching over my babies...

Phil even named them...
This last weekend I was able to go and visit with my baby sister and her hubby... We had a wonderful time on Friday night. Lis and I went and saw our other sister first in hospital. There I taught Tina to knit... So glad I found out about it as she was going to have a night nurse show her how. I don't think so... Was lovely to see her knit as last time any of us could remember her knitting was in Austria... before 1983...
Friday night there were a few Black Russians had and went to bed about 4am on Saturday morning... Saturday we also had a morning tea visit from my mum. Was lovely to catch up with her and spend a couple of hours with her. My BIL then went off camping by himself as he was doing night fishing on Bribie... Lis and I ended up having another nap as we didn't have much sleep the night before and then went up to Montville for some cake and coffee as well as a look around some of the quaint little shops that are up there. The view was so wonderful and it was lovely and cool up there.
That night we watched a bit of TV. I don't have it here at home so took the opportunity to was some CSI shows. :) We were supposed to watch Ya Ya Sisterhood but ended up leaving it as the three of us sisters weren't there and it just didn't feel right without Tina there.
Sunday Lis and I went to the Caboolture Markets for Brekkie. I ended up buying some really cheap indoor plants. Love plants. Love it more when they are huge and only $2 each :) The benefit of coming in at the end of the day. I also bought three little ducklings. They would be about 1.5wks old I would say if I were to compare them to the ones that we have here... They are currently a Prep Class Project for Lis' class that she teaches. I will bring them home here when she is done with them in about a month :) The kids are going to love them and can't wait to hear tonight how their first day all together went. :)
Before going home I ended up having another snooze and got home 5:30pm just as Russell was dishing up dinner. :) The house was lovely and tidy just as I had left it and even the washing had been hung out. :)
At dinner, Timothy proceeded to tell me that it was OK with him if I wanted to go away for the weekend every two weeks... Apparently they all had a great time together, just the three boys...
Was wonderful to get away for two nights, I must say... Today Russell is back at work in Brisbane for the week and we are back into our routine... Can't wait for my next little mini holiday :)
Cheers Damaris