Getting ready for Monopoly... Adam was also the Bank :)

Russell won, what a shark :)

A electronic break from UNO

Timothy hitching a ride :)

Wrestle Mania :)
Last Friday our family eagerly anticipated Adam's arrival. Had not seen him in about six months so was rather busting for a huge hug. He is one of those men that just knows how to give really good hugs. :)
So there he was arriving in his mum's car as he had flown up from Melbourne and stayed with us for a wonderful 24 hours. We had lots of food and drink. The company as always was fantastic. :) Russell and I took him along with us to Joshua's Parade at school and after Parade we even got to look at the wonderful vegetable garden that the kids have planted out. The pumpkins have taken over for sure. hehe
We played Monopoly and had a UNO challenge, which I think in the end actually won. And yes.... I didn't even cheat this time. My grandma taught me well but I behaved myself. lol
The Wrestle Mania had to happen as well off course. We have the futon out already as that is where he sleeps when he comes to stay with us and the boys all take full advantage of that. :) Apparently Timothy is getting really strong... Adam fared well don't worry. He came out alive in the end to leave and go back to sorting out stuff for his mum who was really badly affected by the recent Brisbane floods loosing everything. Tradies are on the job though and she will hopefully be back in her 'new' home in about eight weeks...
Oh how wonderful a time we all had... Can't wait for next time :)
Cheers Damaris