Monday, March 24, 2014


Last time I went to Kialla Organic Grain Producers, I wasn't able to get any white quinoa. So I went for 2kg of red instead. Think the black would have been pushing it a little far...

Love that place. Much cheaper than a health food shop or IGA for that matter. Sadly Woolies and Coles don't stock it. Plus I want the organic variety. 

I love how versatile the grain is! It's nutty taste is also lovely. I like to substitute it for rice or pasta. Love the taste and texture :) Comes from the Aztecs and that part has always intreagued me immensely. What we eat now, they also did back thousands of years ago...

So as you can see in the pictures, I've blended the last of my white in with the red. Worked well. No difference in taste :) Yummy!


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