Friday, December 26, 2014

Ex Battery Hens update...

Their feathers continue to grow and they're fitting in very well with the others in the flock...

Seeing we had had so much rain, Tim was really busting to turn over the bricks in his slug farm to see if there were any grubs for the chooks...

This is how the ex battery hens got introduced to the longest, squirmiest  and fattest worms EVER!!! (I normally rescue the worms from the chooks and let them free in the veggie garden. The chooks get the centrepedes and other creepy crawly things. I like the worms for my garden.) And once they realized what they were and how to eat them, they got very protective of them and were not sharing ;) They loved them... Another huge step in getting their normal chook behaviour groove on ;)

I just loved watching them and loved loudly encouraging them to come and get their bit of the feast... Yep, they came and the feasted...


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