Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Lily...

Birthday Day Girl Lily and my Mum :)

Tina holding my hand as we all visit :)

Last Saturday was my baby sister's Birthday... She was 29. She is the baby of the family. There are five of us kids spread over a 10yr span. :) This was her first birthday with us since she turned 21 so was very special.

I made sure I was there for it the whole day. :) Was a lovely way to spend it with my Mum, Sister and Sister-in-law Sandra. My other sister Tina was not able to make it but we ended up visiting her instead. So we still all saw each other. :) My other Sister-in-law Mary unfortunately couldn't make it either. Next time :) :)

We met at my mum's and we started out the day with a lovely cuppa and wonderful Hazelnut Sponge cake. Yummmmmm. Then Mum gave us a lesson on making Gulash. Being the wonderful cook that she is she put that lot to keep cooking away while we ate some that she prepared earlier. That was made with Nockerl which are homemade pasta bits (closest that I can describe it sorry). I was so glad at this point that I had not eaten any breakfast. You see I knew what was coming... :)

This is the sort of feasts that my mum used to make quite regularly many years ago and something that I miss terribly. Once Tina is better though we are all getting together again to make Apple Studel which is a speciality of Tina's :) Can't wait. Something that I have not made before. My Oma used to show me and try to encourage me to do it but once it came to the step of stretching that dough it was just beyond me. I was always so terrified of tearing it. Hope I can overcome that as I would love to be able to make it. For us it would have to be peeled Red Delicious apples not the green so that it was failsafe. Don't mind changing the recipe to make sure it fits our little family :)

All in all the day was wonderful. Lily and I ribbed each other allot as usual and had others laughing... I hope she enjoys her 30th year of life. She deserves nothing but the best :)

Cheers Damaris

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