Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Water Kefir...

Been doing more research to do this one as simple as possible...

YouTube is a great source of info. Many use metal sieves and spoons and that is actually not good for the grains at all...

Anyway, after mucking around for a few days, tonight's separated drink tasted the best yet. I have put most of the Kefir Water into a glass jar and put a plastic lid on tight. Will leave it till tomorrow and serve with dinner. That was more carbon will be produced and it will taste more like a soda :) Wonder what the three of them will say. Tonight's tasted really good. I must say I was a little surprised...

From watching online, I realised I was doing it all correctly. Only thing is my grains are nowhere near the size of what they were showing...

Just hope they aren't dying on me... Fruit and sugar is still being absorbed though so maybe they are still waking up from the freezer sleep??? Time will tell but am super impressed for now :) Really didn't think it'd be this simple :)


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