Saturday, December 31, 2011

Peaches everywhere...

Had Christine ring up earlier during the week... She had a tree full of peaches and couldn't use any more of them. She had given a heap away and water bathed a heap herself. Chutney and jams had also been made. Could I please help her out and take some... Could I??? Off course I could...

So down I drive, armed with two doz eggs, which she was running out of :) And filled up two buckets. I ended up with seven glass containers full of peaches that I halved, skinned and water bathed in a light syrup. One didn't seal so we have been having it with home made custard. Oh yummmm... Straight from the tree to the bottle. From tree at 4pm and water bathed in total by 7:30pm. Now that is what I call fresh :)

Cheers Damaris

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