Friday, October 3, 2014

Day at the Beach...

'Twas the most beautiful day today... Tim got soaked, Russell supervised well, Josh went for a long walk with me and then got himself very stuck in a mountain of sand...

We had lunch out and both down and back from the beach, Tim did a heap of reading. Yes, it was a fabulous day in the sun. We even saw some jet fighters flying over really low. One turned from side to side as though waving even! 

'Twas a glorious day, indeed...


Can you see the two jet fighters???

Josh was there...

Tim wondering how he's going to get up...

Boys cooperating... By burying each other haha...

That smile...

What sheer joy. Then he realised he can't get out... 

Eventually, Josh got out... Took a while!


Adam said...

I miss that smile!

Dalinz said...

We miss yours, especially the belly laughing when you're being tickled too much! 😁😘