Thursday, May 28, 2009


Reisauflauf just out of the oven. Yummy...
As you have probably gathered from previous posts, at the moment I have alot of milk on hand. Lorray is still giving me over 6 litres a day and I can't seem to give it away quickly enough. There are people wanting it but they are too far away from me for me to give it to them regularly.
So as a result I have been cooking all things milky as much as possible. Alot of times my boys ask for Palatschinken, which is Austrian for Huge Pancakes. You can either do them savoury or sweet depending on your mood or taste.
Yesterday I made another lot of Reisauflauf. This is the Austrian version of Fluffy Creamed Rice. Joshua and Russell especially love me to make this. Timothy is not so keen on it as his taste buds are more savoury.
I love having this cook on the stove and then when you put it into the oven to finish it off.... oh the smell. I love that smell thru the house. The boys can always tell what I am cooking, especially if it their favourite. I love also making this recipe as it uses up about 3 litres of milk each time. This way the Reisauflauf tends to not disappear straight away and we have it for a few meals or snacks.
I feel very fortunate to be able to do the cooking that my mum and grandmother did before me. I love mixing the cultures together and trying something new. When Russell and I married and moved our cooking books into our new bookcase, you should have seen my surprise. I came with three cookbooks, Russell with about thirty!!! He loves to experiment and cook as much as I do so we are a great combination in the kitchen.
Good excuse to not try to outdo his white sauce for example. I could never possibly do a better job... So why not just let him do it. Forever..... :)
Cheers Damaris

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