Thursday, December 17, 2009

Festive Community Spirit...

Santa handing out lolly bags and asking for wishlists...
Some of the kids that attended the Party in the Park...
Market Day Fundraiser, what a day...

In the last week of school it is always rather busy around here... We had our School Concert on the Tuesday of the last week. During that concert, Timothy was farewelled by the school as he leaves Primary School and goes onto High School. He was rather upset at the end of the night thinking he would not see any of the kids again. Plus the fact that Joshua got an award for improved overall behaviour and he didn't. He tried so hard to help out kids younger than him and be helpful but not everyone can get these awards...

On the Thursday, we had the Carols in the Park by our creek. We were not able to attend this event unfortunately but heard that it was a huge success. This was the first time that it was held in Maryvale and we all hope that it will be run on a yearly basis.

On Friday was last day of school as well as the Party in the Park from 4:30pm. All local kids and families were invited. Kids ate and drank for free. We ran a raffle and raised $221.00 for the Maryvale School of Arts Hall which was a fantastic effort. Kids were dancing the night away and had a ball all round. Santa came also off course and gave out lolly bags. Even the Warwick Daily News came out and took photos. It was a fantastic night. Next year will be our 10th and it going to be huge...

On Saturday, we had our first Maryvale Crown Hotel Market Day. All proceeds went to our local Rural Fire Brigade and there we raised $415.00. Again what a fantastic effort. I got rid of lots of things, so did Joshua with his Pokemon cards. I sold all of my Onion Marmalade, mostly to locals who knew how good it tasted... I have already been asked to make more for Christmas. Ain't gonna happen. Too busy for that. 10kg of onions etc... the whole process takes more than a day. It will have to wait till January some time I think.

Sunday was another busy day that I will post about with pictures very soon.
So Monday the boys rested. I was off to Brisbane for a Doctor's appointment and Tuesday we went to the Movies. We have not stopped. Even today we got stuck into cleaning the house. I swept all throughout.

I am thankful that the weather has been mild in comparison to how it was in the last two weeks of school. I couldn't be motivated to do much of anything. That has changed as the weather is still very, very dry and ants are moving into the house at an alarming rate. They are moving about crazily as we keep getting the prediction of rain and thunderstorm. Yes we hear it in the distance but nothing much happening here.

At least I have my beautiful breeze. :)

Cheers Damaris

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