Saturday, September 21, 2013

Treat factory for chooks...

Slug farm! That's what my eldest calls his new venture :)

He got up this morning and turned over a heap of bricks for the chooks so that they could go to town with all the grubs underneath them. Then he decided the chooks needed an area set up, where he can get treats for them on a weekly basis!

So he hunted around the place and found a heap of unused house bricks, a paver and a tank inlet cover...

He arranged them, I watered around them and now we wait for a week to see what little slugs, grubs etc come up. The worms will be resettled in the raised garden beds :)

He's very happy with the end result and loved how the chooks kept following him as he moved bricks around, just in case there was a bug that might of been missed ;)


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