Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Such a shame...

Thank you Lord, our tanks are full...

Since late last week we have had ongoing showers here. During the night and during the day. Night time seems to be when they are heavier. Left overs from the Cyclone up north apparently. We are loving the wet all the same.

The only problem is when my two house tanks are full, they start to overflow and the water just runs away. I have been trying to wash as much as I can and have another two loads to go but then am all out... We even flush after each visit to the toilets at the moment. Normally we have that rural rule: If it is yellow let it mellow, if it is brown then please flush it down...

The garden is loving this and so are the ducks. They come out of their enclosure of a morning and just go to the nearest puddle and then just go from one to the next just about all day. Love watching that. :)

So am thinking seriously about another tank. That way the overflow would go into the third tank and when the other two are low I can flick the tank and have the water flow back into them. That way I avoid having to get another pump and plumbing in the tank. I don't want to upset the applecart so to speak. All is working just fine at the moment...

Will get some prices this week I think...

Cheers Damaris

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