Saturday, December 4, 2010

Clever Boy...

Lots of colouring in done. :)

Information and facts...

South African crafts...

Traditional food...

Yummy taste testing was done...

Timothy and his complete display :)

Yesterday morning Timothy invited Russell and I to an Expo that he was having at his school that afternoon... Needless to say I could attend but Russell had to work as he had had so much time of lately while we have had respite...

I attended and made sure I was there for the 2pm starting time... Timothy's Support Class had been learning all of this term about other countries... Timothy's country of choice was South Africa... He did an amazing job, I know I am biased but he did a great job...

He had the Flag, The computerised slide show, facts about the country, food and a recipe, some jewellery that he had made all by himself... It was amazing what he had done... he even coloured in a map of the country and put important places in it. :) :) :)

Enjoy the show :)

Cheers Damaris

PS. We all had to wear the paper crowns as it was a party of sorts... Guess what I did afterwards... I forgot I had my bright pink one on my head still and went shopping in the middle of town for about an hour before I realised... Not ONE person had said anything to me or laughed at me for that matter... How embarrassing... Thought I would share. hehe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work Timothy! And reflect on the hat incident - maybe people don't judge you as much as you think. I'm self conscious but it occurs to me sometimes that the worst that could happen (complete fool in public) isn't worth the angst of daily inhibitions. Although I won't be wearing a cracker hat in public to test out my theory...