Friday, September 18, 2009

I found her...

Happy days...

This has had me soooo excited since Wednesday night... For months now I have been trying to get ahold of my very best friend in the whole wide world but was not able to make contact.

I tried the old email. That kept bouncing... I tried the home phone. That was disconnected... I tried the mobile. Left messages but heard nothing. Tried to SMS that did no good either... The reason... Cause life is very busy right now. I feel for her. She has sooo much on her plate.

There is the two kids that are growing with each day. There is full time work as well as full time University. Mature age student. I take my hat off to her. I admire this lady beyond belief.

I was sooo happy to hear her lovely voice on the other end of the mobile that night. No it was not the answering machine but her actual voice. I heard her laugh and I heard her talk... I love her from the bottom of my heart and she knows it. All is well with the world now as far as I am concerned.

Needless to say I got her new phone number, address and email address as well. Just in case... hehe

No she is not getting away from me again... My next option was that I was ringing her Mum... That would have been a good look. lol

So in October we have made a date for one Saturday. I get her all to myself and I can't wait... She knows who she is... Have known this wonderful lady since end of Grade 8 in high school. We have had our ups and downs and been through more than I could have ever thought possible but we are here to stay baby...

Off for my operation on my hand today so will not be posting for a couple of days till I catch on typing with my left hand only. Will be slow... lol

Cheers Damaris

1 comment:

Julie said...

Congrats on finding your friend. My best friend and I have been such since 2nd grade! So we have been best friends for 33 or so years! She is in another state but we talk or email almost daily. It is our "therapy". Much cheaper than the real thing. :)

Found you on the forums @ downtoearth