Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jumpers and Jazz

The beautiful Sunflower...

The leaves are attached to the trunk of the Tree...

This photo I took for Timothy... He loves his stuffed dogs. :)

Well it is that time of year again and this year the celebrations started off on 15 July. They will conclude next Sunday with markets and lots of Jazz music... It has been piped through the main street of town during this last week and has been nice walking along seeing all the different trees dressed up for winter. :)

Maryvale School of Arts Hall has a number of dedicated locals that have put together a beautiful sunflower this year... Oh how proud I am to have seen this one grow from a little 'pup'. It has been fascinating watching it grow into the end result... I was supposed to have made green worms from French Knitting but didn't end up getting time to finish it. Other things kept getting in the road... I do feel bad about it but am glad to still be able to enjoy the end result.

Well done Ladies... My sincere Congratulations. :)

Cheers Damaris

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