Sunday, March 14, 2010

Archery update...

Joshua doing his stuff, before the real target was completed...

Both the boys and Russell have really taken to the sport. They are off again this morning to go for more practice and lessons. They are enjoying it and finding it very rewarding. Timothy is turning out to be a little less interested then the other two though. Don't know what to do about that one. He was soooooo anxious to get his gear and now that he has it he is only interested for a little while and then just comes back inside. Annoying really.

Russell threatened to sell his gear this morning as he had asked if he HAD to go to Warwick with them to do Archery. He is wanting to be on the computer. I realise this is his safety zone but I need him outta there as well as I am redoing his room at the moment and don't need him under my feet. So what to do... Russell and Joshua are enjoying it immensely but Timothy is very 'whatever' about it. I know another trait of AS but is annoying all the same. We will see in time I guess and worst comes to worst we can just sell his stuff... So fickle. If only I could get into that head of his and find out what he is really thinking. So hard to get him to explain why he reacts certain ways. But is getting better all the same too which is good to see...

Cheers Damaris

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