Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A new challenge...

Our Salisylate challenge is about to start...

So we survived Amines... Now to the other nasty... Salisylates... Not looking forward to this at all I must say... Luckily for Russell, we start it tonight with dinner and he is off to Brisbane for the next few days for me to do it on my own. :(

We start with tonight's dinner and will pack as much of the nasties in as possible... There will be pumpkin soup with onion and carrot. There will be Sweet corn and for dessert we are giving the boys Rockmelon Sorbet... Yum and full of the stuff. :) We are going high levels of Salisylates as this way we get to see a definite reaction and if they do react we know to cut out all the food that is high in it. Then we try low and moderate level veggies and fruit.

Should be interesting to see how long it takes to show us any difference. I am hoping by tomorrow night and if they can at all hold out maybe till the day after??? Then Russell is home again and it is sooo much easier doing this with two adults not just one...

So there you have it. We have done amines and hope to have the other resolved sooner rather than later as well... Here is hoping. :)

Cheers Damaris

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