Sunday, August 2, 2009

HOG's came to a sleepy village...

Some of the bikers that visited this morning...

This morning I had to be at the Maryvale School of Arts Hall at 7am. Big stuff was happening today...

We had a team of people help get ready for the joint fundraiser. The HOG's were coming to town. The HOG's (Harley Owners Group) go on lots of different rides from Brisbane. They leave early in the morning there and take back roads to get to somewhere where they have morning tea. They then keep going and stop somewhere for lunch and same for afternoon tea before going home again.

Today was our community's turn. We did this as a joint venture with the Gladfield/Maryvale Rural Fire Brigade and it was an excellent team effort. A friend of mine and I were in charge of the food and we didn't disappoint, let me say. We had 140 bikes turn up which makes the numbers close to 200 bikers. They were parked all over the place but all had a great feed and a drink. All loved it and said they want to come back again next year.

It is what they expect from Maryvale now really. My friend started this off at the local school three years ago and they have gotten used to the spoiling that comes along with coming out to Maryvale. Love that feeling of getting it perfectly right. No there were not just sandwiches. There were cakes, homemade sausage rolls, scones, tarts, bikkies, slices, muffins even donuts. All it cost us was $30 for the bread. We jointly made $1379. How fantastic is that for donations and contributions from local businesses as well as from the local community.

I took heaps of photos and the local policeman was even there to say hello. We also had The Daily News from Warwick come out and take pictures and do interviews.

I must say I am happy to be back home again though. As they arrived at 10:30am and are only ever at one place for 1/2 hour. It is basically: arrive, pay, eat, drink, draw raffle and leave... I am also glad that we had so many people on hand to help afterwards to clean up. It was an awesome morning and effort on everyone's part.

Now for next year's event...

Cheers Damaris

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