Friday, April 23, 2010

My best friend...

This book has become my best friend. Along with the DVD and the Failsafe Cookbook. They are all brilliant. Love to watch the DVD with friends and get them to see what we are doing and they can then clearly see why.

I read allot out of the books at the moment and all recipes come from there as well. We are eating very well and enjoying the variety. In allot of ways I wish that this variety and research had been done 10 years ago when I first started looking into doing the Elimination Diet. Back then there was hardly any foods you could eat and Carob tasted Horrible... Today it is a much easier project. And that is how I am looking at it for us. We are doing a project together. Our little family.

Once we have ironed out reactions on the Elimination Diet we can go on and do Challenges. That I am not looking forward to as much. Why rock the boat??? Things are starting to get good with Joshua as a whole. I am getting better too. Russell and I are still sick and I must say after being sick for five days now I am so over it. I am not the world's greatest patient. I want to do things. I can't understand the waste of time. But it has taught me to listen to my body more. I needed the rest of I would not be able to sleep at night. No problems there. So I will keep listening. That will also be good for this project as our bodies must be listened to I believe.

Timothy in the meantime at the moment is actually getting worse. He is as high as a kite first thing in the morning and at night... He is going through withdrawals a week later than Joshua but better late than never. hehe

Here is hoping we have a good weekend. We have not planned anything as Russell and I are still recovering from being ill but may do a spot of shopping tomorrow...

Cheers Damaris

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